Play Nim Online

Rules of the game:
• Nim is a strategy game where two players take turns removing objects from different rows.
• You can remove as many objects as you want from a single row on your turn.
• The game ends when all objects are removed: The player who takes the last object loses.

Row no. 1:
Row no. 2:
Row no. 3:
Row no. 4:
Current player can take one or more objects from the same row.

How to Play Nim (Misère Mode)

Nim is a simple yet deep strategy game. You and the computer take turns removing objects from any row. The goal is to force your opponent to take the last object. On each turn, you can only take objects from one row.

Misère Mode Strategy

In Misère Mode, the key is to avoid being the player who takes the last object. A good strategy is to reduce the number of rows and objects in such a way that your opponent is forced to take the last object.

End-Game Strategy

When only a few objects are left, focus on leaving an odd number of rows with a single object each. This forces your opponent into a losing position.
